I love watching ebony sex videos, but making them is another thing! If you think it was easy making your own porn, then you are wrong. It takes the right angle, lighting, makeup and direction to get the perfect shot. You can’t just leave the cam there and start fucking each other out. Actually I did just that, the first time I made my own video with my ex-girlfriend and it was blurred and you can’t see my big black cock going inside her pussy. She asked me to throw that video, but I didn’t because it was a souvenir from her..LOL.
I watched a lot of ebony sex videos to get some tips on how to make the perfect porn. I studied the lighting and how to get the right angle. I have been convincing my girl for months if she can do a video with me, but she keeps on saying no. I have become depressed that time which she noticed and asked me if I would be happy if she finally agrees with what I want. My face started to light up just like getting my favorite present from Santa. I hugged her and kissed her saying that she won’t regret her decision because I would create a masterpiece.
I prepared the room where we are going to shoot in, making sure that the lights are not too bright nor too dim. I placed three video cameras pointing at us so that it would take different shots and different angles. I asked my girl to put on some waterproof makeup so that it won’t smear when we started to sweat and when I spurt some cum all over her face. I kissed her and told her to just have fun and enjoy the fucking. After two hours of wild hardcore sex, I was satisfied seeing good shots and was surprised to see how good I was. I have become my first fan!
Let’s Make Some Ebony Sex Videos Baby!